Featured Gallery Exhibits


 Upcoming Events:


 Photojournalism Gallery & Exhibit - f e a t u r i n g:
 Roadside Krakow to Zakopane, Poland

Poland - a photojournalism gallery exhibit, for both online and public display reporting a pilgrim's exposure to the people, architecture, history, culture and faith of a nation whose history mesmerizes the human psyche.  On display: TBD.  An online gallery is available for viewing, however image selection is currently limited as this project is currently under development. 

Click here to be notified.  


Other Featured Photography Galleries:


(Un)caGed Realities - photo gallery
China - photo gallery
Multimedia Galleries:
PPT/Flash multimedia demo coming soon
City Scenes - multimedia & gallery exhibit

Powdered Red Rocks

Exactly what I wanted for breakfast.  It snowed lightly in Las Vegas overnight and what a great morning it was to awaken to some snow here after a sizzling summer.  A beautiful change of environment for the landscape.  Here are a few photos.


  Humanity -- 

A Journalist's Write

Dolphin SOS

"Commend what you plan to Yahweh, and what you plan will be achieved." - The Proverbs 16:3


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